Consultation: Free | Microblading: £275.00
Annual colour refresh: From £125.00 |
Brow Fill: £175.00
​What is Microblading ?
Microblading is an innovative method of semi-permanent make up. Using a manual hand-held tool topped with micro needles, the chosen pigment is implanted to create freehand hair stokes. This is ideal for anyone looking to enhance and define the look and shape of their brows but would also benefit those who suffer from conditions that causes hair loss i.e. over plucking.
The pigments used naturally match your original eyebrow colour, so if you have brow hair present, the hair strokes blend into them. Your brows will appear darker but will fade significantly over a two week period; therefore it is crucial to have your top-up as it’s difficult to predict how the skin will retain pigment. Thereafter, a colour refresh once a year is recommended to retain the shape and colour.
Microblading costs:
A 30 minute consultation is free of charge.
Microbladed brows
£275 in total which can be split into three payments:
1. £50 at the time a booking is made (as a deposit)
2. £175 at the first procedure
3. £50 six weeks later at the top up appointment
Annual Colour Boost (within 7-12 months):
£125 (if taken before 12 months after the initial procedure) and will be one procedure
unless a shape change is requested, the pigment has faded out too much or the colour needs
adjusting. Pricing for an additional retouch will be quoted at the time.
Annual Colour Boost (within 13-18 months):
£175, a colour boost over the 18 month point is considered as a new treatment and is charged at full price (£275).
"Brow Fill"
£175. Partial microblading where only 1/3 requires work, in areas where hair may be slightly sparse or a gap. Included is your 4-6 wek top up. The initial consulation will determine if this is the appropriate solution or you. The annual colour boost cost is £80 to keep them fresh.
These are the questions that I get asked most about Microblading!
Is it Painful?
While there is some discomfort felt, it would not be regarded as pain. A topical anaesthetic is applied to numb the area. The sensation is best described as small scratches.
How do you choose the correct eyebrow design & colour?
I have been trained to the highest level in colour mixing and shaping and will devise a bespoke brow for you. I take a consultative approach and will want your input.
How long does it last?
The length of time depends on the individual. Each person’s skin holds on to the pigment differently. On average we suggest getting the brows refreshed about every 12-18 months. Some factors effect fading more quickly. These factors include, but are not limited to; not following before and after care, oily skin, UV exposure - sunbeds - sunbathing. Using anti-ageing creams or vitamin A on the brow area. Certain treatments such as microdermabrasion or chemical peels. Certain skin conditions and or excessively dry/oily skin types. Specific medications. Swimming in chlorine without protecting bows with vaseline. Not applying sun cream. Low iron. Hormones.
What should I expect at the appointments?
Your first appointment (a consultation) will include a thorough discussion about your expectations and brows! I will answer any questions you may have and undertake your patch test should you want to go ahead with the treatment. The treatment will take approx. two hours. I will analyse your face and discuss the best shape to suit your face and frame your eyes. Your input is essential to agree on both the shape and colour. The third treatment is the top-up. After the initial Microblading treatment the colour can fade significantly so this appointment is crucial in embedding the pigment so you get the best colour for longer.
Is it suitable for me?
Not everyone is suitable for the Microblading; pregnancy, breastfeeding, under 18, conjunctivitis, pace-maker, skin infection/disease, recent scar tissue, chemotherapy are just some of the contraindications to this treatment. Please call me if you have any medical concerns and we can discuss the suitability of the treatment.
Is it safe?
I am trained to the highest level in infection control and patch tests will always be carried out prior to each treatment. The tools are single use and will be disposed of following legislative requirements.
Before and aftercare:
Do not drink coffee, alcohol or energising drinks on the day of your treatment
Do not take Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen 24 hours before the treatment (paracetamol is fine)
Do not take omega3 (fish oil) one week before the treatment
Do not tan or have intense sun exposure 3 days before the treatment
No waxing or tinting at least a week before the treatment
No chemical peels, microdermabrasion, laser or any other intense treatments two weeks before the treatment
Shower and fix your hair as you need to take extra care not to get your brows wet for seven days following the treatment
Do not use Retin A skincare products close to the enhancement area 1 month prior to and after your procedure
Do not use AHA skincare products close to the enhancement area two weeks prior to and after your procedure
Please blot your brows with clean tissue until you get to bed on the day of your treatment.
I will provide you with an aftercare product which you can apply morning and night after cleaning them with water and cotton wool.
Other than cleaning the brows, we advise you to keep them dry for at least 7 days after the treatment.
Do not panic that the area treated may show redness straight after the treatment - this will fade over the rest of the day.
The strokes may 'disappear' before the 4-6 week top up session, this is completely normal and most will show up once more in time for the second session. You may worry you are rejecting the pigment - don't panic.
The colour is up to 50% darker straight after the treatment. It will fade after 4-7 days and the true colour will not come through until up to 4 weeks after the initial treatment. During the healing process, the colour may seem to have disappeared or appear patchy, as it is obscured by the healing skin. This is normal and it will return.
Additional treatments cannot be undertaken until the area has completely healed. A five week healing time is required before any more work can be undertaken.
Try to avoid the gym, sauna or pool for 5-7 days. When swimming, apply vaseline to the brows to protect from chlorine.
Once the area has healed completely, approximately one week, use a total sunblock when going out in the sun to stop the colour fading.
Strong chemicals or glycolic acid/peels of any kind may cause the pigment to lighten.
Do not pick or pull at the treated area as it will result in pigment loss. You will go through three healing phases: 1-heal, 2-peel and 3-fade. This is why the second session is extremely important - it reinforces the pigment.
Giving Blood - The Red Cross have suggested that you do not give blood for 6 months following treatment.
MRI Scans - This procedure shows up as an artifact on the scan. Some clients may experience a tingling sensation. Please notify your radiologist.
Injectables - Dermal fillers and Botox can alter the shape of the eyebrows. Leave it at least 4 weeks after the top up.
Laser /Pulsed Light - Laser or pulsed light hair removal or skin rejuvenation treatments can cause colour change - it is important to advise the therapist that you have had Microblading procedure.
Colour Refreshing - To keep your brows looking their best it is recommended that you have a colour boost procedure every 9-12 months.
It is important to contact me immediately if you feel your procedure is not healing as listed to discuss.